Translation has been associated with the existence of human being. However, before the evolution of language and literature, the unwritten literature or orature, the human communication was undertaken through the mode of translation. The very idea of conceiving the thought and ideas has been co-related with the specific form of translation and that may be treated as conception and construct of ideas, views and transmitting them from one person to the other. As the father of Modern Western Philosophy Rene Descartes, propounded the philosophy of rationalism with the statement cogito-ergo-sum which means “I think therefore I am”. Translation is also communicated with these perceptions which explore the communication and exchange of ideas and messages from one language to the other, one person to the other. This crosses with all kinds of boundaries relating to nation, identity, sex, caste and creed. Thus, it has become a necessity for the very existence of human being. As there are thousands of languages in the world and cultural and linguistic exchange is mandatory among the people, therefore, as Susan Bassenett said that translation is a fundamental act of human exchange. Translation is not meant to serve the purpose of linguistic exercise, but act as a means of communication among educated and literate one but also acts as a mode of communication among the common masses, even the uneducated ones.
With the evolution of translation as an act of linguistic exchange and thereafter the mode of transmission of messages and information, translation also evolved as a discipline of studies with occupying a specific space in the areas of studies pertaining to interdisciplinary study, literature and comparative study. This also acted as a means of cultural and political as hegemonies; besides occupying a significant position in the form and construction of power structure.
Keeping in view the emergence of translation studies as a discipline and its significant place in the domain of research of knowledge updation cutting across the Nation’s cultures and other boundaries. A study of translation studies has become not only very important affair but also a social and academic obligation of our country especially when the nation is having the nature of multi-lingual and multi-cultural societies.
In addition to that, the National Knowledge Commission also underlined the necessity of translation act in Indian perspective for exchange and expansion of knowledge among the various languages and societies. This was endorsed by the National Translation Mission that supported the idea of translating and making the knowledge text available to the various sections of the society.
The act of translation is associated with the extension and exchange of knowledge, academic enrichment and contribution to the areas of translation by research and other academic pursuits.
This was the background of the idea of formation of Translation as a Discipline of Studies and creation of School of Studies i.e., School of Translation Studies and Training (SOTST) in IGNOU. Since then various efforts have been made with research and academic endeavour of translation practice and translation study as a study of literature. The New Education Policy, 2019 also intends to focus on the necessity of translation studies in the expansion of knowledge, educational empowerment in the nation building.
The School of Translation Studies and Training (SOTST) perceives the idea of exploring the avenues and preservation of knowledge by qualitative endeavours in teaching and research relating to the translation studies and other allied areas. To actualize this idea, the School intends to offer relevant academic programmes and research pursuits to contribute to the area of knowledge and strengthen and broaden the innovative perspectives in the exchange and transmission of the invested and available research and knowledge, besides enriching, enhancing the competence of human resources to perform the various activities relating to translation.
The Mission of the School of Translation Studies and Training is to strengthen the objectives of the University to reaching the unreached and also to contribute to the area of knowledge through teaching, research and extension activities. The committal attitude to this motivates the School to engage itself in the advancement of innovative exercises and research endeavours pertaining to translation studies, inter-disciplinary studies and cultural studies and comparative literature among others. This also involves the School to pay much attention to maintain high quality and standard in the research activities and critical insight to the learners studying various programmes offered by SOTST. In addition to that, the School makes the best efforts for motivation to employability and practical perspectives of studies to the learners to make themselves as good translation practitioners and prove responsible citizens of the nation.
The basic Mission can be underlined as to get the best out of the students and give them exposure to bring out their knowledge for the contribution to the domain knowledge and research for the growth of the nation.