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Call for Papers

With the aim of enriching global efforts at inclusive education, the organizers of World Education Summit seek detailed abstracts/ proposal(s) in the following themes:

  1. Learning in the 21st Century: Right and Access to Education
  2. Creating Opportunities for Students with Disabilities: Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Teachers
  3. State Policies on Education: Analyses from Across the World
  4. Role of Government in the Development and Implementation of Education Policies
  5. Case Studies of Best Practices From Across The World: School Education, Higher Education, Skill Development and Vocational Education
  6. Industry Market Trends in Education: A World-Wide Perspective
  7. Challenges in Planning, Managing, Deploying and Policy Development in e-Learning
  8. Quality Assurance and Accreditation: Review of Education Programmes to Ensure Acceptable Standards of Education, Scholarship and Infrastructure
  9. Localised Learning in a Globalised Context: Capacity Building, Content and Training
  10. Public vs. the Private in Education
  11. Leadership and Knowledge Management
  12. Teacher Training
  13. Learning English, Science and Math in a Lab: Innovative, Interesting Means
  14. Virtual Lab vs. Classroom Teaching
  15. Industry-Academia Linkages and Gaps
  16. Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in Education
  17. Gross Enrollment Ratio: Perspectives from Across the World
  18. Evaluation and Assessment
  19. Pedagogy and Andragogy in ICT Mediated Classroom
  20. Industry Participation in Education: Necessity or Value Add?
  21. Skills and Information Literacy
  22. Educating their Wards: Parents’ Perspectives from Different Countries

Selected papers will be invited to make a presentation at the World Education Summit 2011 platform. Opportunities will also be provided for poster presentation.

Abstracts/papers should be sent to papers@worldeducationsummit.net

Abstracts should be submitted in no longer than 1500 words.

Important Dates:

Last date for online submission of Abstracts is 31 March 2011.
Selected papers will be notified for full paper submission by 15 April 2011.
Last date for full paper submission 15 May 2011.
Selected papers will be notified by 30 May 2011.

Guidelines for submission

Word limit for the abstract- 1500 words
Word limit for full paper- 3000 words
File format- Word Document or PDF
Font style- Arial or Times New Roman in a single column format
Font size- 12 for paper
Font size- 14 for title and authors
Line spacing- 1.5

Authors Bio and Image Authors are requested to submit a brief bio (describing their areas of interest and their present work areas) of about 100 words along with the abstract and an image (high resolution preferably 300 dpi) of the author/s.

For consideration of your abstract, please furnish the following details along with the abstract:

  • Name, mailing address, phone, and e-mail of the first author;
  • Names and affiliations of the co-authors;
  • Complete contact information of the corresponding author if other than the first author;
  • Assignment of abstract category based on the topics that are provided.

Figures and Tables

Figures, tables and images should follow the references. Please make sure that every table or figure is referred to in the text. The table or figure will be placed after the first mention in the text. Legends should be short, descriptive and define any acronyms, abbreviations or symbols used.

Authors are requested to provide full color high-resolution images (preferably 300 dpi, jpeg image). The images should also be attached separately with the papers and properly referenced with the text.


References to published works must be cited in text according to the author/date system and listed alphabetically as a separate appendix titled 'References' at the end of the manuscript.

The paper should state clearly the objectives and context, describe the methodology used, and summarise key findings.

Endnotes and footnotes should be kept to an absolute minimum. Substantive comments should be integrated within the text rather than placed in a note.

For Programme Enquiry Contact:
Rajeshree Dutta Kumar, Mobile: +91-8860651641

For Business Enquiry Contact:
Jyoti Lekhi, Mobile: +91-8860651634

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[Updated on 13-Sep-2024]